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Fill in Sparse, Thin Eyebrows, Perfect Your Arch, Add Depth & Length
with Safe, Semi-Permanent, Natural-looking, Eyebrow Tattoo.
What is "Microblading"?
Microblading is a semi permanent tattoo, also known as Brow Embroidery, 3D Brows, and Feather Stroke.
Using a small pen with a very fine, single-use-blade. Pigments are deposited into the upper layers of skin, creating, crisp, natural-looking hair strokes.
Each microblading stroke is applied individually allowing the tattoo artist to control the shape, color and density, recreating the desired fullness and shape of the eyebrows.
This technique provides a means to help fill in missing gaps of eyebrow hair, raising the arches and extending the length of the brows, creating a more youthful look.
A wonderful way to wake up and not worry about putting your eyebrows on before you leave the house and because microblading is semi-permanent the effects last approximately 1-3 years with minimum touch-up.


For safety purposes and to ensure beautifully, healed eyebrows, please follow these helpful suggestions.

  • I suggest washing your hair before the procedure, because it will be a several days before you can get your brows wet.

  • You may want to take 2-3 Tylenol before your procedure.

  • Do not take Aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, Ibuprofen or blood thinners 3 days before procedure.

  • No alcohol 48 hours before.

  • Ladies who are PMS’ing or menstruating most likely will be more sensitive and possibly bleed more during procedure. You may want to schedule around your cycle. 

  • Any cold sores MUST wait 2 weeks before ANY procedure once they have cleared.

  • No Botox for 4 weeks before the procedure.

  • Stop using any Retin-A, Retinols or AHA products for 2 weeks before the procedure and avoid around the area for 30 days after. It causes fading.

  • No lasers or chemical peels for 1 month before the procedure.

  • No microdermabrasion or dermaplaning for 2 weeks prior.

  • Waxing or tinting of the brows should be done 3 days before.

  • If you are under the treatment for any form of cancer, you must wait until your treatment is complete. It is best to get permanent makeup before you start your cancer treatment.


• After your procedure is completely healed, you may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine. Avoid scrubbing or picking the area. Use sunblock after the procedure area is healed to help protect from sun fading.

• Expect slight swelling and a little redness in the immediate area.

• Keep the area lightly moist using a Q-Tip with sterile Aquaphor 1or 2 times a day (morning and night) for 7-10 days. (Do not over saturate, a thin layer is all you need!) (Only apply once if you have oily skin.)

• If slight crust appears on pigmented surface, do not pick or scratch any scabs or dry areas!  You will remove pigment or may damage your skin. Instead, apply a thin coat of Aquaphor. (Brows are not considered healed until all crusting has exfoliated.)

• Take short showers until the tattoo is completely healed.

• Do not get tattoo wet for the first 3-5 days!

• Avoid eyebrow pencils and do not put powder, makeup or skincare on the brows while healing

• Avoid tinting of brows for 3 weeks following the procedure.

• Avoid hot, steamy, long showers. A thin coat of Aquaphor over the pigment is a good idea before showering.

• The procedure may have some peeling on or around the 3rd day. This is a normal process of healing for some clients. Do not Pick… picking can cause scarring and loss of color.

• The application of permanent cosmetics can be a 2-step procedure. Do not judge your procedure while in the healing stage. It may require a touch up.

• Don’t be alarmed if color comes off on to the Q-Tip when applying topical ointment. This is normal but do not try to remove color.

• Normal activity can be resumed immediately but no swimming, sweating etc. for the next 5 days following the procedure. If you work out, do not let sweat get into your eyebrows while healing. Apply a thin coat of Aquafor before strenuous workout. The longer you keep your eyebrows dry, the better they will heal and look.

• Avoid sun for 7-10 days following the procedure. Apply sunscreen after they have healed if in the sun.

• Avoid swimming in the ocean, fresh water lakes, streams, chlorinated pools, saunas, Jacuzzi or soaking in a bathtub until tattoo is completely healed.

• Avoid makeup or skincare on pigmented area until healed.

• Do not use any face creams, exfoliators or harsh cleansers on your brows during the healing process.

• Avoid Retin A, Glycolic Acids, Aloe, and Vitamin E products. Use Aquafor or Bactine.

• Gently pat the area after the shower. Be careful of towel on pigmented areas. Do not remove ink!

• No Gardening activities that may expose the tattoo to soil, fertilizers, etc. until the tattoo is healed to prevent possible infection.

• Do not allow tattoo to come into contact with animals until healed.

• If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI, or other medical procedures inform them that you have had an iron oxide cosmetic tattoo.

• You must wait 1 year after any tattoo to give blood.

• Lasers can cause pigment to turn black. Avoid the procedure site.

• Your procedure will begin to oxidize immediately. This causes the pigment to become darker. Do not be alarmed, this dark color will fade during the next few days.

•Some fading, or loss of pigment may occur. Some flaking off of the pigment is normal on some skin types; the pigment may sometimes, disappear only to reappear a few days or weeks later. Any pigment loss will be recovered at touch-up.

• If any signs of infection occur, abnormal swelling, redness, fever, tenderness or pain at the site; any green/ yellow discharge that is foul in odor; or red streaks going from the procedure site toward the heart call your physician immediately (and please give us a call).

• After you have healed, use a good sunscreen daily to help prevent premature fading of all procedures.

• Make sure your artist has thoroughly discussed these instructions with you and answered any questions you have before you leave this facility.



Your new temporary eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.

What is normal?

Initially, your brows may seem too red and too large. Don’t be alarmed. We have just worked the skin and it is natural for it to be red and swollen. It will calm down in a day or so.

The pigment will appear very sharp and dark immediately after the procedure. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin, and has not settled in completely. The color of the pigment will soften gradually. The scabbing process will also make the brows appear dark. Stay calm, all of this will lighten within a week or so. The color will eventually be 30-50% lighter and the brow will be 20-30% smaller when fully healed.

Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression the color pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed / from your eyebrows. (DO NOT PEEL SKIN/ SCAB/ PIGMENT!)

Some strokes will disappear and re-appear 2 or 3 weeks. Not all strokes will remain. It is perfectly natural to lose between 10-15% of your strokes, they will get replaced at the top up or second session.

You may feel some itching, please resist. If you find yourself unable to resist itching, you may apply a thin coat of Aquafor or Bactine to the area for relief.

Follow closely the Instructions given to you by your Microblading Artist to ensure your freshly, bladed brows heal beautifully!

Microblading what to expect
Microblading emotions
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